In Focus
This beat covers issues of people’s health, access to quality health services, public health systems, scientific advancements, and emerging health issues.
Skyrocketing healthcare costs in Africa driving families into poverty
Tackling emerging anti-malarial drug resistance in Africa
Horn of Africa: Climate-related health crisis worsens as disease outbreaks surge
Editor Picks
Start-up works to bridge healthcare gap in The Gambia.
WHO has disbursed US$ 1.25 million to support the response in Guinea and to reinforce Ebola readiness in Cote d’Ivoire, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Senegal and Sierra Leone.
First historic shipment from international COVAX facility
— Dr. John Nkengasong, Director, Africa CDC
Rich countries hoard available and future vaccines, as poor countries wait.
In Maridi, clean water frees up women’s time and improves community health.
Stored in Switzerland, vaccines are ready to be shipped for emergency response.
Mariam Traoré (right) and other CHWs in Africa are a critical link between their communities and the primary-healthcare system, especially during COVID-19.
3,000 slum dwellers affected by lead poisoning awarded $12 million, but clean up pending.