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Veuillez noter que les livres ne sont pas disponibles auprès d'Afrique Relance et doivent être commandés directement à la maison d'édition**


Unholy Trinity: The IMF, World Bank and WTO, Richard Peet (Zed Books, New York, NY, E.-U., 2003; 256 p.; 25 $)

Un autre sommet pour l'Afrique: Contre-voix citoyennes, Les Actes Agir Ici et Survie (Karthala, Paris, France, 2003; 224 p.; 17,10 euros)

Re-examining Liberation in Namibia: Political Cultures Since Independence, sous la direction de Henning Melber (Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala, Suède, 2003; 149 p.; 24,95 $; 15,95 £; 20 euros; 200 SEK)

Political and Economic Liberalization in Zambia, 1991-2001, Lise Ranker (Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala, Suède, 2003; 240 p.; 27,95 $; 16,95 £; 22 euros; 220 SEK)

Transforming Mozambique: The Politics of Privatization, 1975-2000, M. Anne Pitcher (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Royaume-Uni, 2003; 320 p.; 60 $)

Etat de la décentralisation en Afrique, Partenariat pour le Développement Municipal (Karthala, Paris, France, 2003; 364 p.; 26 euros)

Nordic Countries and Africa: Old and New Relations, sous la direction de Lennart Wohlgemuth (Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala, Suède, 2003; 53 p.; 16,95 $; 5,95 £; 8 euros; 80 SEK)

Somalia: Economy Without State, Peter D. Little (Indiana University Press, Bloomington, IN, E.-U., 2003; 224 p.; relié 43,95 $; broché 18,35 $)

Question agraire et mondialisation: Point de vue du Sud, Alternatives Sud (L'Harmattan, Paris, France, 2002; 268 p.; 50 £; 55 $)

Local Women, Global Science: Fighting AIDS in Kenya, Karen M. Booth (Indiana University Press, Bloomington, IN, E.-U., 2003; 176 p.; relié 31,55 $; broché 31,55 $)

Blood, Land and Sex: Legal and Political Activism in Eritrea, Lyda Favali et Roy Pateman (Indiana University Press, Bloomington, IN, E.-U., 2003; 376 p.; relié 43,95 $; broché 19,95 $)

Dealing with Conflict in Africa: The United Nations and Regional Organizations, sous la direction de Jane Boulden (Palgrave, New York, NY, E.-U., 2003; 356 p.; broché 49,95 $; relié 72,95 $)

Beyond Structural Adjustment: The Institutional Context of African Development, sous la direction de Nicholas van de Walle, Nicole Ball et Vijaya Ramachandran (Palgrave, New York, NY, E.-U., 2003; 324 p.; broché 22,95 $; relié 69,95 $)

Les économies en développement: à l'heure de la régionalisation,sous la direction de Philippe Hugon (Karthala, Paris, France, 2003; 336 p.; 25 euros)

Women and Work in Northern Nigeria: Transcending Boundaries,Renée Ilene Pittin (Palgrave, New York, NY, E.-U., 2003; 488 p.; relié 90,95 $)

AIDS in the Twenty-First Century: Disease and Globalization, Tony Barnett et Alan Whiteside (Palgrave, New York, NY, E.-U., 2003; 432 p.; broché 19,95 $; relié 29,95 $)

Against Global Apartheid: South Africa Meets the World Bank, IMF and International Finance, Patrick Bond (Zed Books, New York, NY, E.-U., 2003; 352 p.; relié 75 $; broché 29,95 $)

Women and Land in Africa: Culture, Religion and Realizing Women's Rights, L. Muthoni Wanyeki (Zed Books, New York, NY, E.-U., 2003; 200 p.; relié 75 $; broché 27,50 $)

Liberia -- The Eye of the Storm: A Review of the Literature on Internally Displaced Refugees and Returnees, Desirée Nillson (Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala, Suède, 2003; 60 p.; 12,95 $; 5,95 £; 8 euros; 80 SEK)

Environment, Power and Injustice: A South African History, Nancy J. Jacobs (Zed Books, New York, NY, E.-U., 2003; 336 p.; relié 65 $; broché 24 $)

Nelson Mandela's Favorite African Folktales, sous la direction de Nelson Mandela (W.W. Norton & Co., NY, E.-U., 2002; 144 p., relié 24,95 $)

Managing Common Property in an Age of Globalisation: Zimbabwean Experiences, Godfrey Chikowore, Manzungu Emmanuel et al (Weaver Press, Harare, Zimbabwe, 2003; 218 p ; broché 14,95 £; E.-U. 24,95 $)

Revenue Allocation for a Stable Democracy in Nigeria: Options and Challenges, Emmanuel Ating Onwioduokit (Africa Christian Press, Accra, Ghana, 2003; 163 p ; broché 16,95 £, 27,95 $)

Ethnicity, Nationalism, and Violence: Conflict Management, Human Rights, and Multilateral Regimes, Christian Scherrer (Ashgate Publishers, Hampshire, Royaume-Uni, 2003; 415 p ; relié 49,50 £)

Dispossessing the Widow: Gender Based Violence in Malawi, Women and Law in Southern Africa (Kachere Series, Zomba, Malawi, 2003; broché 9,95 £, 16,95 $)
