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February 2021

AfricaCoronavirus Vaccine

Rich countries hoard available and future vaccines, as poor countries wait.

South Sudanwater

In Maridi, clean water frees up women’s time and improves community health.

Sierra Leonewater

Mayor Aki-Sawyerr of Freetown says the newly launched Freetown-Blue Peace water project will significantly improve the living conditions of city dwellers and the socio-economic situation of especially market women.


New digital technologies have enabled countries to leapfrog outdated tools and progress to modern innovations.


Project in the capital Freetown blends public and private financing, could be replicated in other African countries.


In an environment where most families view sex as a taboo subject, parents are often in denial about their children being sexually active.

AfCFTAFish farming

Mr. Mendes, 35, owner of Frutos da Lagoa fish farm in Angola’s northwest, hopes African Continental Free Trade Area will expand his market base.


Top priorities are COVID-19, the AfCFTA, peace, climate change, integration, gender equality and promoting African culture.

Illicit Financial Flows

Annual US$88.6 billion illicit capital flight loss needs to be seen as missed development opportunities.


So far 30 African countries have detected the Omicron variant.