In Focus
This beat covers the effects of climate change on people and the planet, and individual and collective climate actions to mitigate and adapt to its impacts.
Lead poisoning: the persistent threat from mismanaged waste
Climate youth advocate making a difference
Turning waste into treasure: Gadiaba Kodio's mission to recycle Africa's waste
COP29: Africa’s negotiating strategy must build on past lessons
The youth are the driving force for action on climate and the environment.
If adopted, companies will be held accountable for human rights and environmental violation
Sustainable exploitation of the oceans, lakes, rivers will increase countries’ earnings
Newly-created commission will gather evidence to help dismantle organized wildlife crimes
Several African countries have begun implementing climate resilience activities
African waters are powerful magnets for illegal and unregulated foreign fishing operations
Oceans choking on millions of plastic water bottles, cups, straws and single use plastic bags
Affected countries require funds to build more resilient and climate-smart economies