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Afrique livres

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A quand l'Afrique? Joseph Ki-Zerbo (Editions de l'Aube, La Tour d'Aigues, France, 2003; 206 p.; 19,50 euros )

African Environment and Development: Rhetoric, Programs, Realities,sous la direction de William G. Moseley et B. Ikubolajeh Logan (Ashgate Publishers, Hampshire, Royaume-Uni, 2004; 244 p.; relié 55 £)

Survivants: Rwanda, dix ans après, Esther Mujawayo et Souâd Belhaddad (Editions de l'Aube, La Tour d'Aigues, France, 2004; 304 p.; 21 euros )

Accounting for Horror: Post Genocide Debates in Rwanda, Nigel Eltringham (Pluto Press, Royaume-Uni, 2004; 232 p.; broché 15,99 £)

Structural Stability in an African Context, Robert Kappel, Andreas Mehler et Henning Melber (Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala, Suède, 2003; 55 p.; 7,95 £; 10 euros;; 100 SKr)

Rights and the Politics of Recognition in Africa, sous la direction de Harri Englund et Francis B. Nyamnjoh (Zed Books, New York, NY, E.-U., 2004; 304 p.; relié 75 $, 49,95 £; broché 25 $; 15,95 £)

L'Afrique et les défis de l'OMC, sous la direction de Dominique Njinkeu (Karthala, Paris, France, 2004; 376 p.; 28 euros )

Gouverner le Sénégal: Entre ajustement structurel et développement durable, sous la direction de Momar-Coumba Diop (Karthala, Paris, France, 2004; 304 p.; 25 euros)

Tourism in the New South Africa: Conflict, Community, and Development, Garth Allen et Frank Brennan (Palgrave, New York, NY, E.-U., 2004; 272 p.; relié 65 $; broché 24,50 $)

The Democratic Republic of Congo: Economic Dimensions of War and Peace, sous la direction de Karen Ballentine et Michael Nest (Lynne Rienner, Boulder, CO, E.-U., 2004; 175 p.; relié 15,95 £; broché 11,95 £)

New Gender Studies from Cameroon and the Caribbean, Joyce B. Endeley, Shirley Ardener et al (Department of Women & Gender Studies, University of Buea, Cameroun, 2004; 165 p.; broché 14,95 £, 24,95 £)

Breaking Barriers, Creating New Hopes: Democracy, Civil Society and Good Governance in Africa, Abdalla Bujra, Said Adejumobi et al (Development Policy Management Forum, Addis-Abeba, 2004; 367 p.; broché 25,95 £, 42,95 £)

Juge en Côte d'Ivoire: Désarmer la violence, Epiphane Zoro-Bi (Karthala, Paris, France, 2004; 224 p.; 22 euros )

Democratic Transition in Anglophone West Africa, Jibrin Ibrahim (Conseil pour le développement de la recherche en sciences sociales en Afrique, Dakar, Sénégal, 2004; 87 p.; broché 14,95 £, 24,95 £)

International Law and Politics: An African Perspective, Akin Oyebode (Bolabay Publications, Ikeja, Nigéria, 2004; 365 p.; relié 29,95 £, 49,95 £)

Somalia Calling: The Crisis of Statehood and the Quest for Peace, Kinfe Abraham (Ethiopian International Institute for Peace and Development, Addis-Abeba, Ethiopie, 2004; 537 p.; 29,95 £, 49,95 $)

Bushmen and Diamonds: (Un) Civil Society in Botswana, Kenneth Good (Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala, Suède, 2003; 40 p.; 7,95 £; 10 euros; 100 SKr)

The Afterlife Is Where We Come From: The Culture of Infancy in West Africa, Alma Gottlieb (Chicago University Press, Chicago, IL, E.-U., 2004; 404 p.; broché 18,50 £)

AIDS and South Africa: The Social Expression of a Pandemic, Kyle D. Kauffman et David Lindauer (Palgrave, New York, NY, E.-U., 2004; 195 p.; broché 16,99 £)

Achieving Schooling for All in Africa: Costs, Commitment and Gender,Christopher Colclough (Ashgate Publishers, Hampshire, Royaume-Uni, 2004; 297 p.; relié 60,50 £)

Black Women, Identity, and Cultural Theory: (Un)Becoming the Subject, Kevin Everod Quashie (Rutgers University Press, Piscataway, NJ, E.-U., 2004; 228 p.; broché 17,50 £)

Limits to Liberation in Southern Africa, sous la direction de Henning Melber (Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala, Suède, 2003; 272 p.; 14,95 £; 18 euros; 180 SKr)

Zimbabwe's Unfinished Business: Rethinking Land, State and Nation in the Context of Crisis, sous la direction d'Amanda Hammar, Brian Raftopoulos et Stig Jensen (Weaver Press, Harare, Zimbabwe, 2003; 328 p.; relié 20,95 £, 34,95 $)


