Collective action in the form of women’s groups has greatly benefited women in negotiating access to land
Green alternatives can transform Africa’s agri-food systems and generate significant benefits
Avoiding the horseman of famine will take applying past lessons and quick action by governments, international organizations.
An opportunity to build resilient, inclusive Food Systems in Africa.
The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) turns 50 this year, calling for more action on conservation.
How combining new technology and traditional knowledge harvests rain and restores land
Building on the gains for inclusive and harmonised food and business value chains.
WFP has paid more than 65,000 farming households in Malawi
New financing and land policies help to spark interest and innovation.
A conversation with Ugandan digital technologist, Timothy Laku.
COVID-19 impact has exposed weakness of current food systems, but also revealed an opportunity to boost continental trade.
Fatoumata Thiam (from Senegal) talks about her groundbreaking research that assesses energy efficiency in irrigation networks.