May 2022
Discussions organized by the UN Office of the Special Adviser on Africa to bring African voices to global platform
An opportunity to build resilient, inclusive Food Systems in Africa.
Ahead of World Malaria Day (25 April), WHO calls for continued innovation to save lives.
Jonah Larson, 14 is funding a science lab, a library, and plans more to come
Community health workers take a leading role in preventing and treating the killer disease
Studies reveal emerging resistance to first–line treatments
Sixth winner of the award announced at the XV World Forestry Congress in Seoul, South Korea
At night, classrooms in this northern Kenya school serve as dormitories to keep the students safe from early marriages
Trade ties: Zambia and DRC sign cooperation Agreement to manufacture electric batteries, create jobs
Both countries are home to 80 percent of minerals required for production of electric car batteries.
Ms. Nardos Bekele-Thomas is the first woman to lead the AU agency.
Although cases have risen, hospitalization in South Africa remains low
UN Special Adviser on Africa leads talks on feeding the continent sustainably.
Avoiding the horseman of famine will take applying past lessons and quick action by governments, international organizations.
How we evolved from Africa Emergency to Africa Recovery to now Africa Renewal
- UN Secretary-General António Guterres.
Abuja Hub will mobilize, accelerate and scale-up responsible business across Africa
Op Ed by the United Nations Senior Officials of African Descent Group (UNSAG)
An outstanding soldier with the kindest heart