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January 2022

Africa’s Youth in The Decade of Action: Actors or Bystanders virtual hub mobilises young people for the Global Goals.


Building on the gains for inclusive and harmonised food and business value chains.


Botswana researcher and member of the global DDT Expert Group, Prof Bontle Mbongwe, says decisions on use should be based on science.

AfCFTAFree TradeImmediate priorities include finalising negotiations on rules of origin, providing a finance facility for SMEs and launching the African Trade Gateway digital platform.
AfCFTAFree Trade

Wamkele Mene, Secretary-General AfCFTA Secretariat, says significant progress expected in 2022.

Free TradeAfCFTA

One year in, African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) negotiators are making progress on remaining crucial elements, especially on rules of origin.

Child health

The country has one of the lowest child mortality rates in sub-Saharan Africa


Newly reported cases fell by 20% in the week to 16 January, while deaths dropped by 8%.


Having no nationality of any country, this group is often left out of essential services