23 September 2016 – Comoros President Azali Assoumani today called for swift implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to eliminate poverty, hunger and a host of other social ills by 2030, telling the United Nations General Assembly this is the surest way to end of the flood of refugees currently afflicting the world.
“We definitely know that it is neither for pleasure nor from a state for tourism that these men and women risk their lives in perilous journeys across the seas and oceans,” he toldthe Assembly’s annual general debate. “They are rather fleeing war, poverty and bad living conditions,” he added.
“That is why the theme of our session – ‘Sustainable Development Goals: a universal push to transform our world’ – is to the point, since it allows us to envisage sustainable development that is capable of stabilizing peoples in their homelands,” he noted, and said: “Thus it is the duty of our Organization and of us all to take immediate measures to dam up the scourges of violence that stem from extremism and fanaticism on all sides.”
Terrorism knows no frontiers, he stressed, denouncing the odious and barbaric acts that afflict the whole world, but especially Africa.
“Terrorists are neither Muslims, nor Jews, nor Christians, nor Animists,” he said. “They do not belong to any religion, any civilization. They are barbarians.”
President Anerood Jugnauth of Mauritius also dwelt on the SDGs and the UN’s role in helping to achieve them.
“Every country has its priorities and will need to formulate a unique set of actions to achieve the universal goals we have set for ourselves,” he told the Assembly. “In this context, the United Nations will have an important role to play in backing up countries' individual efforts.”
Mauritius is focussing at first on the eradication of extreme forms of poverty, introducing a subsistence allowance for the extreme poor that will give them an income that 40 per cent higher than the World Bank's absolute poverty threshold.
“There are yet many miles to go and we will pursue our journey resolutely towards attaining all the SDGs, working together with the private sector and civil society,” he said. “We are fully committed to create a more equitable system, to safeguard rule of law and to ensure equal access to justice for all.”