2-4 May 2006, Cape Town (South Africa) - Housing Africa: An International Investment Conference, sponsored by the US Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC). Tel (1-866) 636 4729, e-mail opic@mfmgroup.com>, website www.trademeetings.com>
10-15 May 2006, Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) - 39th Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development. Organized by the UN Economic Commission for Africa, under the theme “Meeting the challenge of employment and poverty in Africa.” Contact Sophia Denekew and Meron Aberra, tel (251-11) 544 5098/3098, fax (251-11) 551 0365, e-mail ecainfo@uneca.org>, website www.uneca.org>
15-18 May 2006, Cape Town (South Africa) - Championing Agricultural Successes for Africa’s Future: A Parliamentarians’ Dialogue on NEPAD. Contact Thaninga Shope-Linney, tel (27-11) 313 3776, fax (27-11) 313 3778
17-21 May 2006, Nairobi (Kenya) - ICTe Africa 2006. Organized by the NEPAD Council and Africa Telecommunication Union and featuring presentations on the next generation of networks, infrastructure projects, Internet applications, rural telephony and ICT policies. Contact Alida Phielix, tel (27-83) 588 5823, fax (27-86) 687 1736, e-mail aphielix@nepadcouncil.org>, website www.nepadcouncil.org/ICTeAfrica2006/index.html>
22-25 May 2006, Johannesburg (South Africa) - African Banking Congress 2006. The conference aims to promote the harmonization and integration of African banking. Contact Brian Shabangu, tel (27-11) 463 6001, fax (27-11) 463 6903, e-mail brian.shabangu@terrapinn.co.za>, website www.terrapinn.com/2006/bankza/>
9-13 June 2006, Abuja (Nigeria) - African Fertilizer Summit: Meeting Africa’s Fertilizer Challenge, organized by the NEPAD Secretariat. Tel (27-11) 313 3153, fax (27-11) 313 3778, e-mail fertilizersummit@nepad.org>, website www.africafertilizersummit.org>
10-12 July 2006, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) - 5th World Congress of African Linguistics, organized by the Department of Linguistics, Addis Ababa University, on the theme “The fate of African Languages in the World of Globalization.” E-mail afriling@dling.aau.edu.et>, website http://www.aau.edu.et/faculties/linguistics/wocal.htm>
13-18 August 2006, Toronto (Canada) - XVI International AIDS Conference. Expected to bring together over 20,000 delegates to share current knowledge on the global HIV/AIDS epidemic. Contact Bryan Hobson, tel (41-22) 7 100 800, fax (41-22) 7 100 899, e-mail info@aids2006.org>, website www.aids2006.org>
6-8 March 2006, Brazzaville (Republic of Congo) - Regional Consultation on Scaling up towards Universal Access to HIV and AIDS Prevention, Treatment, Care and Support in Africa. Under the auspices of the African Union. Contact Samuel Ajibola, tel (242) 653 7022, e-mail ajibolas@afro.who.int>
9-12 April 2006, Oxford University, Oxford (UK) - World Ethics Forum. Sponsored by the World Bank, International Institute for Public Ethics, UN University and the UK’s Department for International Development. Contact Derek Warren, tel (44) 7932-607-469, e-mail Dwarren@worldbank.org>, or Christian Hofer, tel (202) 458-0936, e-mail chofer@worldbank.org>, website www.worldbank.org/publicsector/leadershipconference>
10-14 April 2006, Brazzaville (Republic of Congo) - First African Union Conference for Ministers in Charge of Railway Transport. On the theme “For an Efficient Railway Transport System at the Service of Development and African Integration.” Contact Wynne Musabayana, tel (242) 554 1590, website www.africa-union.org/root/au/index/index.htm>
20-21 April 2006, Miami (USA) - 17th Global Warming International Conference and Expo. Contact Sinyan Shen, tel (1-630) 910-1551, fax (1-630) 910-1561, e-mail gw17@globalwarming.net>, website http://globalwarming.net/>