Votes, Money and Violence: Political Parties and Elections in Sub-Saharan Africa, eds. Matthias Basedau, Gero Erdmann and Andreas Mehler (Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala, Sweden, 2006; 300 pp; pb SEK 290, $37.50)
Burundi 1972 – Au bord des génocides by Jean-Pierre Chretien and Jean-François Dupaquier (Karthala, Paris, France, 2007; 560 pp; €25)
Africa: Continent of Economic Opportunity by David Fick (STE Publishers, Gauteng, South Africa, 2006; 512 pp; pb $80)
US Foreign Policy and the Horn of Africa by Peter Woodward (Ashgate Publishers, Aldershot, UK, 2006; 192 pp; hb $99.95, £55)
Africa — Up in Smoke? The Second Report from the Working Group on Climate Change and Development by Andrew Simms and Hannah Reid (Stylus Publishing, Herndon, Virginia, USA, 2006; 40 pp; pb $12.75, £10)
La Côte d’Ivoire: Construire le développement durable by Raymond Guisso Dogore (L’Harmattan, Paris, France, 2007; 120 pp; €12, FF79)
Child Soldiers in Africa by Alcinda Honwana (University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2007; 216 pp; pb $22.50, £15)
Escaping the Resource Curse, eds. Macartan Humphreys, Jeffrey D. Sachs and Joseph E. Stiglitz (Columbia University Press, New York, USA, 2007; 432 pp; hb $29.95, £19.50)
Council Unbound: The Growth of UN Decision Making on Conflict and Postconflict Issues after the Cold War by Michael J. Matheson (United States Institute of Peace Press, Washington, DC, USA, 2006; 336 pp; pb $19.95; hb $50)
A Roadmap for Understanding African Politics: Leadership and Political Integration in Nigeria by Victor Oguejiofor Okafor (Routledge, New York, USA, 2006; 272 pp; pb $95, £60)
Ethique et gouvernance: Le cas du Niger by Ismaël Aboubacar Yenikoye (L’Harmattan, Paris, France, 2007; 94 pp; pb €11, FF72)
Getting In: Mediators’ Entry into the Settlement of African Conflicts by Mohammed O. Maundi, William Zartman, Gilbert M. Khadiagala and Kwaku Nuamah (United States Institute of Peace Press, Washington, DC, USA, 2006; 256 pp; pb $17.50, £12.50)
Guerres civiles et coups d’Etat en Afrique de l’Ouest: Comprendre les causes et identifier des solutions possibles by Issaka K. Souare (L’Harmattan, Paris, France, 2007; 294 pp; pb €26, FF177)
France-Gabon: Pratiques clientélaires et logiques d’Etat by Jean-François Obiang (Karthala, Paris, France, 2007; 392 pp; €29)
Combating Serious Crimes in Postconflict Societies: A Handbook for Policymakers and Practitioners, ed. Colette Rausch (United States Institute of Peace Press, Washington, DC, USA, 2006; 212 pp; pb $17.50)
Democratic Policing in Transitional and Developing Countries, eds. Nathan Pino and Michael D. Wiatrowski (Ashgate Publishing, Williston, Vermont, USA, 2006; 264 pp; hb $99.95)
Conflict and the Refugee Experience: Flight, Exile and Repatriation in the Horn of Africa by Assefaw Bariagaber (Ashgate Publishing, Williston, Vermont, USA, 2006; 196 pp; hb $99.95)
The Business Guide to Sustainability: Practical Strategies and Tools for Organizations by Darcy Hitchcock and Marsha Willard (Stylus Publishing, Herndon, Virginia, USA, 2006; 272 pp; pb $49.95)
La brousse, le champ et la jachère au Burkina Faso, eds. Robin Duponnois and Bernard Germain Lacombe (L’Harmattan, Paris, France, 2007; 190 pp; €17, FF112)
La fracture mondiale Afrique: Autopsie d’une tragédie by Ismaël Aboubacar Yenikoye (L’Harmattan, Paris, France, 2007; 186 pp; pb €16.50, FF108)
The Institutional Transformation of the Economic Community of West African States by Kofi Oteng Kufour (Ashgate Publishing, Williston, Vermont, USA, 2006; 190 pp; hb $99.95)
Negotiating Modernity: Africa’s Ambivalent Experience, ed. Elísio Salvado Macamo (Zed Books, London, UK, 2006; hb £65, pb £18.95)
Oil, Profits and Peace: Does Business Have a Role in Peacemaking? by Jill Shankleman (United States Institute of Peace Press, Washington, DC, USA, 2007; 228 pp; pb $14.95, hb $35)