they must be obtained directly from the publishers **
Protecting Human Security in Africa, ed. Ademola Abass (Oxford University Press, Northamptonshire, UK, 2010; 400 pp; hb $140)
The Rise of China and India in Africa: Challenges, opportunities and critical interventions, eds. Fantu Cheru and Cyril Obi (Zed Books, London, UK, 2010; 272 pp; hb £70)
Chinese and African Perspectives on China in Africa, eds. Axel Harneit-Sievers, Stephen Marks and Sanusha Naidu (Fahamu Books, Oxford, UK 2010; 298 pp; pb €16.95)
L’adieu aux armes? Parcours d’anciens combattants, ed. Nathalie Duclos (Karthala, Paris, France, 2010; 432 pp; pb €29)
Civil War in African States: The Search for Security by Ian Spears (Lynne Rienner, Boulder, USA, 2010; 281 pp; hb $65)
The Poor under Globalization in Asia, Latin America and Africa, eds. Machiko Nissanke and Erik Thorbecke (Oxford University Press, Northamptonshire, UK, 2010; 400 pp; hb $99)
Le Mythe du développement durable en Afrique noire by Essè Amouzou (L’Harmattan, Paris, France; 2010; 280 pp; pb €25)
Le développement en Afrique: Un devoir pour les Africaines by Ignace Gnan (L’Harmattan, Paris, France, 2010; 310 pp; pb €29.50)
Globalization in Africa: Recolonization or Renaissance? by Pádraig Carmody (Lynne Rienner, Boulder, USA, 2010; 180 pp; hb $55)
Africa’s Liberation: The Legacy of Nyerere, eds. Cambi Chachage and Annar Cassam (Fahamu Books, Oxford, UK, 2010; 224 pp; pb €12.95)
Le Bonheur de servir: Réflexions et repères by Albert Tévoédjrè (Archipel, Paris, France, 2010; 332 pp; pb €19.95)
Development Without Destruction: The UN and Global Resource Management by Nico Schrijver (Indiana University Press, Bloomington, USA, 2010; 312 pp; hb $75)
Systèmes de production et durabilité dans les pays du sud by Bénédicte Thibaud and Alain François (Karthala, Paris, France, 2010; 312 pp; pb €28)
The Truth about Trade: The Real Impact of Liberalisation by Clive George (Zed Books, London, UK, 2010; 224 pp; €65)
Neoliberal Africa: The Impact of Global Social Engineering by Graham Harrison (Zed Books, London, UK, 2010; 192 pp; hb £65)
Femmes de tête, femmes d’honneur; combats des femmes, d’Afrique et d’ailleurs, ed. Henri Mova Sakanyi (L’Harmattan, Paris, France, 2010; 172 pp; pb €16.50)
Les colères de la faim: Pourquoi l’Afrique s’est embrasée en 2008 by Jean-Célestin Edjangue (L’Harmattan, Paris, France, 2010; 86 pp; pb €11)
Africa’s Development Impasse: Rethinking the Political Economy of Transformation by Stephan Andreasson (Zed Books, London, UK, 2010; 256 pp; hb £70)
Speaking Truth to Power: Selected Pan-African Postcards by Tajudeen Abdul-Raheem (Fahamu Books, Oxford, UK, 2010; 270 pp; pb €14.95)
Reformer les armées africaines: En quête d’une nouvelle stratégie, eds. Axel Auge and Patrick Klousen (Karthala, Paris, France, 2010; 228 pp; pb €23)
L’agriculture sénégalaise à l’épreuve du marché by Guillaume Duteurtre, Mbene Dieye Faye and Papa Nouhine Dieye (Karthala, Paris, France, 2010; 456 pp; pb €29)
Nation-States and the Challenges of Regional Integration in West Africa: The Case of Nigeria, ed. Yomi Akinyeye (Karthala, Paris, France, 2010; 264 pp; pb €24)
Travail social et Sida en Afrique: au cœur des souffrances by Berthe Florence Ymele Nouazi (L’Harmattan, Paris, France, 2010; 124 pp; pb €13)
Peace versus Justice: The Dilemmas of Transitional Justice in Africa, eds. Chandra Lekha Sriram and Suren Pillay (James Currey, Abingdon, UK, 2010; 387 pp; pb $37.95)
De l’ouvrier immigré au travailleur sans papier: Les étrangers dans la modernisation du salariat, eds. Alain Morice and Swanie Potot (Karthala, Paris, France, 2010; 336 pp; pb €28)