78 October 2004, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) -- African Voices: Second Meeting of the Commission for Africa. Launched by UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, the Commission will look at recommendations for Africa's future. Contact Nicola Savage, tel (44 20) 7023 1869, e-mail n-savage@dfid.gov.uk>.
1115 October 2004, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) -- African Development Forum, sponsored by UN Economic Commission for Africa. Contact Robert Okello, tel (251-1) 443040, fax (251-1) 514416, e-mail rokello@uneca.org>.
1315 October 2004, Johannesburg (South Africa) -- Eskom African Business Leaders Forum 2004, to define and construct a prosperous future for Africa. Contact Estie Schafer, tel (27-11) 807 0948, fax (27-11) 807 0919, e-mail estie@businessinafrica.co.za>, website www.businessinafrica.net>.
1721 October, Pittsburgh (USA) -- International Water Conference,highlighting issues such as waste water and water preparation. Contact Tracy Devlin, e-mail t.devlin@eswp.com>, website www.eswp.com/water/water.htm>.
2728 October 2004, Nairobi (Kenya) -- Mobilizing ICT to Improve Healthcare in Africa. Contact Sean Moroney, e-mail sean@aitecafrica.com>.
12 November 2004, Tokyo (Japan) -- Asia-Africa Trade and Investment Conference, follow-up to the Third Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD). Contact Mieko Ikegame, tel (1-212) 963-1937.
14 November 2004, Conakry (Guinea) -- Ecotourism in National Parks and Protected Areas in Africa. Tel (224) 45 32 49/41 49 94, fax: (224) 45 36 76/45 32 78/45 51 64, e-mail opda@sotelgui.net.gn>.
19 November 2004, Dakar (Senegal) -- Ai Investments Awards.Sponsored by Africa Investor magazine to highlight achievements in promoting direct investment in Africa. Website www.africa-investor.com>.
19 November 2004, New York (USA) -- Building the ICT Capacity of African Universities for Promoting Development. Contact Jackie Sayegh, tel (1-607) 255-6849, e-mail jsb25@cornell.edu>, website www.einaudi.cornell.edu/africa/>.
2224 November 2004, Geneva (Switzerland) -- International Conference on Women Defending Peace. Aims to create new peace activism. Contact Lea Biason, tel (41 22) 741 77 40, fax (41 22) 741 77 05, e-mail wdp@dcaf.ch>, website www.dcaf.ch/wdp/>.
2224 November 2004, Marrakech (Morocco) -- International Conference on Media Issues, a follow-up to the World Summit on the Information Society. Contact ORBICOM, tel (514) 987-8743, fax (514) 987-0249, e-mail orbicom@uqam.ca>, website www.orbicom.uqam.ca>.
2628 November 2004, Perth (Australia) -- Twenty-Seventh Annual and International Conference on "African Renewal, African Renaissance": New Perspectives on Africa's Past and Africa's Present.Contact Dr. Jeremy Martens, tel (61 8) 6488-2154, e-mail jmartens@arts.uwa.edu.au>.
1214 January 2005, Cape Town (South Africa) -- International Conference on Natural Products and Molecular Therapy, highlighting the use of natural products in health care. Contact Deborah McTeer, fax (27 21) 4486263, e-mail deborah@curie.uct.ac.za>
39 September, Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) -- African Union Extraordinary Summit on Employment and Poverty Alleviation.Contact Dr. Grace Kalimugo, tel (251-1) 517700 ext 279, fax (251-1) 517844, e-mail dsocial@africa-union.org>.
15 September 2004, Tunis (Tunisia) -- Africa's Development: the Journey So Far and the Way Forward. Symposium organized by the African Development Bank. E-mail afdb@afdb.org, tel (216) 71 333 511 or 71 103 450, fax (216) 71 351 933.