6-8 July 2004, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) -- Third Ordinary African Union Summit. Contact Desmond T. Orjiako, tel (251-1) 512005, e-mail OrjiakoDT@africa-union.org>.
8-10 July 2004, Auckland (New Zealand) -- International Conference on Sustainability, Engineering and Science. Contact Vickya Adin, tel (64-9) 299-7538, e-mail vickya@kiwilink.co.nz>, website www.icser.auckland.ac.nz>.
11-16 July 2004, Bangkok (Thailand) -- XV International AIDS Conference. Website www.ias.se/aids2004/>.
18-20 July 2004, Accra (Ghana) -- Ghana's Economy at the Half-Century. E-mail negconf@isser.ug.edu.gh>.
19-23 July 2004, New London, CT (USA) -- UNEP Tunza International Children's Conference on the Environment. Contact Barbara Morgan, tel (1-860) 437-0757, e-mail info@icc04.org>, website www.icc04.org>.
28-30 July 2004, Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe) -- International Conference on Water and Wastewater Management for Developing Countries. Contact Innocent Nhapi, tel (263-4) 303-288, e-mail inhapi@eng.uz.ac.zw>, website www.uz.ac.za/engineering/civi>.
1-10 August 2004, Arusha (Tanzania) -- Worldwide Symposium on Gender and Forestry. Contact Prof. E. Ardayfio-Schandorf, e-mail ardayfel@ug.edu.gh>.
5-7 August 2004, Arusha (Tanzania) -- Women and ICT: Challenges and Opportunities, to prepare for participation at World Summit on the Information Society in Tunisia in 2005. Contact Hamza Kassongo, tel (255-22) 2136354, fax (255-22) 2138340.
30 August -1 September 2004, Lausanne (Switzerland) -- AIDS Vaccine 2004 International Conference, highlighting the role of developing countries in HIV vaccine research. Website www.aidsvaccine04.org>.
5-7 September 2004, Kampala (Uganda) -- Universities: Taking a Leading Role in ICT-Enabled Human Development. Contact Makerere University, tel (041) 531437, e-mail helpme@dicts.mak.ac.ug>.
7-9 September 2004, Port Louis (Mauritius) -- Sixth Annual African Computing and Telecommunications Summit, on the theme "Developing Africa as an ICT Outsourcing Destination." Contact Sean Moroney, tel (44-1480) 495595, e-mail sean@aitecafrica.com>.
13-17 September 2004, Barcelona (Spain) -- World Urban Forum.Contact UN-Habitat, e-mail infohabitat@unhabitat.org>, website www.unhabitat.org/wef>.
16-18 September 2004, Grahamstown (South Africa) -- Eighth Highway Africa Conference. Contact Chris Kabwato, tel (27-082) 582-9543, fax (27-046) 622-9591, e-mail C.Kabwato@ru.ac.za>.
8-10 October 2004, Madison, Wisconsin (USA) -- Second Annual Towards an Africa Without Borders Conference. Tel (608) 262-8462, e-mail mwngugi@wisc.edu> or jwmagua@wisc.edu>.
11-15 October 2004, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) -- African Development Forum, sponsored by the UN Economic Commission for Africa. Contact Mr. Robert Okello, tel (251-1) 443040, fax (251-1) 514416, e-mail rokello@uneca.org>.
11-22 October 2004, Gaborone (Botswana) -- The Politics of HIV/AIDS Healthcare and Funding. Contact NSJ Trust, tel (258-1) 493400, fax (258-1) 490880, e-mail nsj@nsjtraining.org>.
13-15 October 2004, Capetown (South Africa) -- African Development and Poverty Reduction: The Macro-Micro Linkage, conference sponsored by CPRU, TIPS and Cornell University. E-mail dpruconf@commerce.uct.ac.za>, website www.commerce.uct.ac.za/dpruconference2004.htm>.
9-10 June 2004, Windhoek (Namibia) -- From Local to Global conference. Tel (061) 264-879, website www.1verkko.net/conference/index.phtml>.
28-30 June, Tunis (Tunisia) -- International African Ministerial Council on Water. E-mail mochebelrt@nepad.org>, website www.nepad.org>.