1–2 October 2007, Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) — Mobilizing Aid for Trade: Focus on Africa. Hosted by the African Development Bank, UN Economic Commission for Africa and World Trade Organization, in cooperation with the World Bank. Contact Stephen N. Karingi, tel (251) 11-5445 443, fax (251) 11-5513 038, e-mail skaringi@uneca.org>, website www.uneca.org/aidfortrade/>
4–5 October 2007, Lagos (Nigeria) — Africa Small Business Summit. Focusing on issues facing women entrepreneurs and enterprises attempting to progress from the informal to the formal sector. Website www.businessactionforafrica.org>
8–10 October 2007, Washington, DC (USA) — Second Annual US-Africa Infrastructure Conference. Organized by the Corporate Council on Africa. Contact Kennia Somerville, tel (202) 835-1115, fax (202) 835-1117, e-mail cca@africacncl.org>, website www.africacncl.org>
8–10 October 2007, Madrid (Spain) — Migration: Towards a Comprehensive Approach. Contact Nandini Mackay, tel (44) 1903 817695, fax (44) 1903 814217, e-mail Nandini.Mackay@wiltonpark.org.uk>, website www.wiltonpark.org.uk/documents/conferences/WP890/pdfs/WP890prog.pdf>
17–19 October 2007, Accra (Ghana) — 5th African Business Leaders Forum. Contact Moses Mahlangu, tel (27) 11 807 0948, e-mail moses@businessinafrica.co.za>, website www.africaforum.biz>
17–19 October 2007, Nairobi (Kenya) — Humanitarian Development Summit. Will bring together key players within the humanitarian relief and sustainable development communities. Website www.businessactionforafrica.org.>
17–19 October 2007, Maastricht (The Netherlands) — African Leadership Convention. Tel (31) 6 2052 5660, e-mail info@oavm.nl>, website www.oavm-africa.com/Events/African-Leadership-Convention.html>
29–30 October 2007, Kigali (Rwanda) — The Connect Africa Summit. Organized by the International Telecommunication Union, UN Global Alliance for ICT and Development, World Bank and African Union. Contact Enrica Murmura, tel (1) 212 963-5913, e-mail murmura@un.org>, or Sanjay Acharya, tel (41) 22 730 6135, mobile (41) 79 249 4861, e-mail sanjay.acharya@itu.int>, website www.itu.int/ITU-D/connect/africa/2007/index.html> or
12–16 November 2007, Nairobi (Kenya) — Third Conference of the African Ministerial Council on Science and Technology. Tel (27) 12 841-3688/3653, fax (27) 12 841-4414
14–16 November 2007, Cape Town (South Africa) — US-Africa Business Summit. E-mail summit@africacncl.org>, website www.africacncl.org/CCA_Summits/2007_Summit.asp>
28–30 November 2007, Nairobi (Kenya) — Fourth session of Web for Development Conference (Web4Dev). Organized by UN Habitat on the theme “Driving economic and social development with the Internet.” Fax (254 20) 7623477, e-mail web4dev@unhabitat.org>, website www.unhabitat.org/categories.asp?catid=546>
26–28 September 2007, Kampala (Uganda) — The First Africa Convention of Consultants, Exhibition 2007. Organized by the Kampala Management Consultancy Cluster Associates. Contact Sarah Kiyingi-Kaweesa, tel (256) 772 957 192, e-mail skiyingi2004@yahoo.com>, website www.kmcca.org>
28–29 September 2007, Johannesburg (South Africa) — Southern Africa Regional Roundtable on Improving Engineering Sciences in Universities. Organized by the African Ministerial Council on Science and Technology. Tel (27) 12 841-3688/3653, fax (27) 12 841-4414, website www.nepadst.org>