29–30 October 2008, Kigali (Rwanda) — East Africa International Business Forum 2008. Organized by the Commonwealth Business Council, in association with the government of Rwanda, Rwanda Investment and Export Promoting Agency and East African Business Council. Tel (44) 20 7024 8200, fax (44) 20 7024 8201, website www.cbcglobal.org>
3–6 November 2008, Nanjing (China) — Fourth World Urban Forum. Organized by UN Habitat. Tel (86) 25-52327591 / 52327597, fax (86) 25-52327590, e-mail wuf@unhabitat.org>, website www.unhabitat.org/wuf>, www.wuf4.com>
17–21 November 2008, Takayama (Japan) — Seventh Global Conference on Human Development. Organized by the Institute of Cultural Affairs International. E-mail info@icai-conference.org>, website www.japan2008.org>
12–14 November 2008, Tunis (Tunisia) — Third Annual African Economic Conference. Organized by the African Development Bank and UN Economic Commission for Africa. Contact Désiré Vencatachellum, tel (216) 71102205, fax (216) 71103779, e-mail d.vencatachellum@afdb.org> and Patrick N. Osakwe, tel (251) 11-5443409, fax (251)11-5513038, e-mail posakwe@uneca.org>, website www.afdb.org>
18–19 November 2008, Gauteng (South Africa) — Africa Investment Forum 2008. Organized by the Commonwealth Business Council and the Gauteng Economic Development Agency. Contact Sunayna Sethi, tel (44) 20 7024 8219, e-mail sunayna.sethi@cbcglobal.org>, website www.cbcglobal.org>
19–21 November 2008, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) — Sixth African Development Forum. On the theme “Action on gender equality, empowerment and ending violence against women in Africa.” Organized by the UN Economic Commission for Africa, in collaboration with the African Union and African Development Bank. Tel (251) 11 5445098, fax (251) 11 5510365, e-mail ecainfo@uneca.org>, website www.uneca.org>
29 November–2 December 2008, Doha (Qatar) — International Conference on Financing for Development. Will review implementation of the Monterrey Consensus of 2002 and identify obstacles, actions to overcome them, and new challenges and emerging issues. Tel (212) 963-2587, fax (212) 963-0443, website www.un.org/esa/ffd/>
1–12 December 2008, Poznan (Poland) — UN Climate Change Conference. To help prepare a new global framework for the period after 2012. Tel (48) 22 579 28 59, fax (48) 22 579 28 19, e-mail info@cop14.gov.pl>, website www.cop14.gov.pl/>
15–17 December 2008, London (UK) — International HIV/AIDS Conference. Organized by the Africa Health Research Organization. Contact Abubakar Yaro, tel (44) 7939848695, e-mail abubakar@ahro.kabissa.org>, website www.ahrohivaids2008.org/>
21–23 January 2009, Bern (Switzerland) — International Dimensions of Climate Policies Conference. Organized by the University of Bern, Switzerland. Contact Seraina Buob, tel (41) 31 631 45 09, fax (41) 31 631 39 92, e-mail seraina.buob@vwi.unibe.ch>, website www.nccr-climate.unibe.ch>
25 September 2008, UN, New York (US) — Secretary-General’s High-level Event on MDGs. Website www.un.org/millenniumgoals/2008highlevel/>
6–10 October 2008, Cape Town (South Africa) — 15th Annual Africa Oil Week 2008. The world’s largest event on oil exploration and the gas industry in Africa. Contact Babette van Gessel, e-mailbabette@glopac.com>, website www.petro21.com/>
7–8 October 2008, Fez (Morocco) — 4th Environmental Symposium of the German-Arab Scientific Forum for Environmental Studies. On theme “Climatic Changes and Water Resources in the Middle East and North Africa.” Contact Fathi Zereini, tel (49) 69-798-40242, fax (49) 69-6666-595, e-mail info@german-arab-scientific-forum.de> or zereini@iau.uni-frankfurt.de>, website www.german-arab-scientific-forum.de>