22–23 July 2009, Gaborone (Botswana) — EPA Negotiations Coordination Meeting. Contact Batanai Chikwene, fax +251 115 510 467, e-mail batanaich@gmail.com> and Inye Nathan Briggs, e-mail inyebriggs@yahoo.co.uk>, website www.africa-union.org>
27–31 July 2009, Tunis (Tunisia) — Africa Regional Preparatory Meeting to the 9th Session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention to Combat Desertification. Tel +49-228-815-2800, fax + 49-228-815-2898, e-mail secretariat@unccd.int>, website www.unccd.int>
2–5 August 2009, Kampala (Uganda) — 5th Annual International Conference on Computing and ICT Research. An international forum for researchers and practitioners. Tel +256-41-540628, fax +256-41-540620, mob +256-71-540628, e-mail srec@cit.mak.ac.ug>, website http://cit.ac.ug/iccir/home/>
16–22 August 2009, Stockholm (Sweden) — 2009 World Water Week. Organized by the Stockholm International Water Institute. Fax +46 8 522 139 61, e-mail secretariat.www@siwi.org>, website www.worldwaterweek.org> or www.siwi.org>
23–28 August 2009, Nairobi (Kenya) — 2nd World Congress of Agroforestry. Co-hosted by the UN Environment Programme and the World Agroforestry Centre. E-mail wca2009@cgiar.org>, website www.worldagroforestry.org/wca2009/>
31 August–3 September 2009, Kumasi (Ghana) — 3rd Global Summit on HIV/AIDS, Traditional Medicine and Indigenous Knowledge. Organized by Africa First, in association with the Ghana Ministry of Health, World Health Organization, UNAIDS Ghana Office and others. E-mail info@africa-first.com>, website www.africa-first.com/index.asp>
17–18 September 2009, London (UK) — The 2009 Emerging Markets Summit. Contact Krupa Patel, tel +44 20 7576 8118, e-mail weurope_customerservice@economist.com>, website www.emergingmarketssummit.com>
22 September 2009, UN Headquarters, New York (USA) — UN High-Level Event on Climate Change. Website www.un.org/en/events/>
24–25 September 2009, Pittsburgh (US) — Group of 20 Summit of World Leaders. To take stock of the progress made since the Washington and London G-20 summits and discuss further actions to address the global economic and financial crisis. Website www.g20.org>
29 September–1 October 2009, Washington, DC (USA) — 7th Biennial US-Africa Business Summit. Leaders from the public and private sectors in the US and Africa are to discuss the latest investment and trade opportunities in Africa. Contact Adina Ellis, tel +1 202 835 1117, fax +1 202 263.3522, e-mail summit@africacncl.org>, website www.africacncl.org/>
7– 9 October 2009, Johannesburg (South Africa) — 300 Africa City Mayors Conference. Tel +27 10 213 4104 or +27 87 985 0004, cell +27 76 058 4044, fax +27 86 500 3516, e-mail michaeln@mncapital.co.za>, mndinisa@300mayors.com>, website www.300Mayors.com>
20–25 October 2009, Arusha (Tanzania) — Overcoming the Crisis of Tuberculosis and AIDS. In conjunction with the Grand Challenges in Global Health Conference, as part of the Keystone Symposia Global Health Series, and supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Contact Yvonne Psaila, tel +1 970-262-2676, fax +1 970-262-1546, e-mail yvonnep@keystonesymposia.org>, website www.keystonesymposia.org/9T2>
25 June 2009, UN Headquarters, New York (US) — Recovering from Global Crisis: Towards an Action Plan for Africa and the Least Developed Countries. Organized by the UN University in collaboration with the UN’s Office of the Special Adviser on Africa (OSAA) and the Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States (OHRLLS). Tel +1 212-963-6387, fax + 1 212-371-9454, e-mail media@ony.unu.edu>, website www.ony.unu.edu/contact/>
13–17 July 2009, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) — 1st Africa–South America Joint Conference of Ministers in Charge of Energy. Website www.africa-union.org>