COP27Climate financing
— Akinwumi Adesina, President of the African Development Bank
Educationeducation systems
Sierra Leone’s education minister David Sengeh, who is co-chair of the Summit’s Advisory Committee, says governments, civil society, students, and young people must reimagine education
Paul Akiwumi, Director of UNCTAD’s Division for Africa, discusses a newly released report that urges diversification of African economies
AU Youth
— Chido Cleopatra Mpemba, African Union Envoy on Youth
Africa Renewal
How we evolved from Africa Emergency to Africa Recovery to now Africa Renewal
climate changeCOP27- Maria de Jesus dos Reis Ferreira, Permanent Representative of Angola to the United Nations in New York, says it’s time for climate justice for Africa
economic developmentAfrican Union/European Union
African and European leaders focus on actions to avoid previous pitfalls
Free TradeAfCFTA
One year in, African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) negotiators are making progress on remaining crucial elements, especially on rules of origin.
AfCFTAFree TradeImmediate priorities include finalising negotiations on rules of origin, providing a finance facility for SMEs and launching the African Trade Gateway digital platform.