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AfCFTAAngolaEmpretec training programme by UNCTAD is equipping them with the knowledge to explore new sustainable business opportunities.
AngolaUNCTADThe people-centered, policy-backed and productive capacity-driven programme of the UN Conference on Trade and Development.
UNCTADAngolaA unique training programme – EMPRETEC - offered by UNCTAD sparks interest in entrepreneurship, with the youth leading the way
economic developmentUNCTAD

The continent’s free trade area, a growing middle class, an emerging consumer market, increased access to financial services and technology, and dynamic private entrepreneurs can help diversify African economies.


UNCTAD’s Productive Capacities Index will track development, help countries transform economies


-Paul Akiwumi, Director of UNCTAD’s Division for Africa and Least Developed Countries


UNCTAD says commodity dependence is a key factor


Adjustment policies weaken PRSP goals, critics charge


Beyond minerals, sales and services are drawing more interest


Summit hears calls for more job creation, investment


But governments must play smart to get the best deals