Women in PoliticsThe latest report by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) show how different regions in the world have improved women representation. Sub-Saharan Africa recorded the highest improvement among all regions on women’s parliamentary representation in 2023
Educationeducation systems
Women Heads of State and Government highlight women’s leadership as crucial to tackling global challenges and achieving a sustainable future
Dr. Jewel Howard Taylor says women are key to building a peaceful and sustainable climate-resilient Africa.
gender-based violence (GBV)
Goretti’s Story, Kenya
gender-based violence (GBV)
New UN Women report shows that women’s feelings of safety have been eroded.
Gender-based violence
Believing the voices of survivors.
Africa Gender CSW
A former midwife, Ms. Gomina submitted several project proposals to international organizations, and built a Women’s Centre in Bayanga with MINUSCA’s support.
Africa Gender CSW
Millie Odhiambo, 55, is one of Kenya’s fearless politicians.
Africa Gender CSW
Ms. Issa is also at the forefront of pushing for legal reforms that will ensure women compete effectively for leadership positions on an equal standing with men.