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Afrique Livres


Afrique Livres

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** Veuillez noter que les livres ne sont pas disponibles auprès d'Afrique Renouveau et doivent être commandés directement à la maison d'édition **

Africa and IMF Conditionality, Kwame Akonnor (Routledge, Abingdon, Oxford, Royaume-Uni, 2006; 163 p.; relié 90 $)

L’Ethiopie contemporaine, sous la direction de Gérard Prunier (Karthala, Paris, France, 2007; 440 p.; 32 €)

Beyond the “African Tragedy”: Discourses on Development and the Global Economy, sous la direction de Malinda S. Smith (Ashgate Publishing, Williston, Vermont, E.-U., 2006; 222 p.; relié 99,95 $)

Zimbabwe at the Crossroads, Jacob Wilson Chikuhwa (Author House, Bloomington, Indiana, E.-U., 2006; 197 p.; broché 9,31 $, relié 14,06 $)

Global Justice: The Politics of War Crimes Trials, Kingsley Moghalu (Praeger Publishers, Westport, CT, E.-U., 2006; 240 p.; relié 49,95 $, 28,99 £)

Poisoned Wells: The Dirty Politics of African Oil, Nicholas Shaxson (Palgrave Macmillan, Hampshire, Royaume-Uni, 2007; 272 p.; relié 26,95 $)

Bridging the Digital Divide: Innovations Systems for ICT in Brazil, China, India, Thailand and Southern Africa, sous la direction de Angathevar Baskaran et Mammo Muchie (Adonis and Abbey Publishers Ltd., Londres, Royaume-Uni, 2006; 256 p.; broché 22,50 £, 35 $)

La guerre civile du Congo-Brazzaville 1993-2002 : “Chacun aura sa part”, Patrice Yengo (Karthala, Paris, France, 2006; 448 p.; 29 €)

Brazzaville, une ville à reconstruire, sous la direction de Robert Edmond Ziavoula (Karthala, Paris, France, 2006; 352 p.; 29 €)

Constructing Justice and Security after War, sous la direction de Charles T. Call (US Institute of Peace Press, Washington, DC, E.-U., 2006; 428 p.; broché 24,95 $, relié 50 $)

L’Afrique de l’Ouest, entre espace, pouvoir et société – Une géographie de l’incertitude, John O. Igué (Karthala, Paris, France, 2006; 650 p.; 34 €)

Intellectuals and African Development: Pretension and Resistance in African Politics, sous la direction de Björn Beckman et Gbemisola Remi Adeoti (Zed Books, Londres, Royaume-Uni, 2006; relié 65 £, broché 18,99 £)

Economic Integration and Development in Africa, Henry Kyambalesa et Mathurin C. Houngnikpo (Ashgate Publishing, Williston, Vermont, E.-U., 2006; 222 p.; relié 99,95 $)

Information and Communication Technologies for Development and Poverty Reduction: the Potential of Communications, Maximo Torero et Joachim von Braun (The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, E.-U., 2006; 392 p.; relié 60 $, broché 25,95 $)

Culture postcoloniale. 1961-2006. Traces et mémoires coloniales en France, sous la direction de Pascale Blanchard et Nicolas Bancel (Autrement, Paris, France, 2006; 288 p.; 19 €)

Africa’s Development in the Twenty-first Century: Pertinent Socio-Economic and Development Issues, sous la direction de Kwadwo Konadu-Agyemang et Kwamina Panford (Ashgate Publishing, Williston, Vermont, E.-U., 2006; 426 p.; relié 124,95 $)

Beyond the Rhetoric: Essays on Africa’s Development Challenges, Chinua Akukwe (Adonis and Abbey Publishers Ltd., Londres, Royaume-Uni, 2006; 160 p.; broché 12,99 £, 19,95 $)

Globalization and Race: Transformations in the Cultural Production of Blackness, Kamari Maxine Clarke et Deborah A. Thomas (Duke University Press, Durham, Caroline du Nord, E.-U., 2006; 424 p.; broché 23,95 $, relié 84,95 $)

High Stakes and Stakeholders: Oil, Conflict and Security in Nigeria, Kenneth Omeje (Ashgate Publishing, Williston, Vermont, E.-U., 2006; 218 p.; relié 99,95 $)

Communicating National Integration: Empowering Development in African Countries, Osabuohien P. Amienyi (Ashgate Publishing, Williston, Vermont, E.-U., 2005; 248 p.; relié 99,95 $)

The Impact of HIV/AIDS on Criminology and Criminal Justice, sous la direction de Mark M. Lanier (Ashgate Publishing, Williston, Vermont, E.-U., 2006; 378 p.; relié 225 $)

Remaking Law in Africa, sous la direction de Jude Murison, Anne Griffiths et Kenneth King (Palgrave Macmillan, Hampshire, Royaume-Uni, 2007; 256 p.; relié 65 $)
